Water Quality Services

Clean, Safe Water

Having clean, safe water in your home is essential for many aspects of daily life including drinking, cooking and bathing. Water quality is also an important factor in the longevity of appliances such as dishwashers and washing machines.

DS Home Services offers several water quality services to ensure your home’s water supply is clean and safe including: 

Water Quality Testing

Water Filtration

Hot Water Heaters

Water Quality Testing

Water quality testing is critical if you have a private well and should be done once a year. More serious reasons to have your water tested include recurrent gastrointestinal illness in your family, you suspect your home has lead pipes, your home is near a high-use agricultural or industrial area, or a member of the household is pregnant.  

A water quality test will look at:

Coliform bacteria


pH levels

Total dissolved solids

If your water has an unusual taste, color, odor, or is staining clothes or fixtures, you should consider testing for:







Whole House Sediment Filters

Ensure clean, sediment-free water throughout your home with our whole house sediment filter installation. This essential upgrade protects your plumbing, extends the life of your appliances, and provides you with crystal-clear water for drinking, cooking, and bathing. Say goodbye to impurities and hello to a healthier, more efficient home water system.

Signs You Need a Whole House Sediment Filter:

You have a private well

Sediment is clogging your home's pipes

Unstable water pressure

Water heater is clogged or malfunctioning

Dishwashers and washing machines are not lasting as long as they should

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